Thought Leadership
We advise thought leaders on ways to build and enhance their attention platforms - by using our ecosystem mapping technology and analytics. We create a thought-leadership blueprint for your passion.
Over 20% of the Harvard Business Review bloggers are our clients.
Brand Activism
The CEO is the brand guardian. We help CEOs build a personal vision and communicate it to employees, customers, VCs, shareholders, analysts, and other ecosystem stakeholders. A critical responsibility for start-up leaders.
Now, brand activism changes everything. Talk to us about the how and why.
Businesses must engage prospects before they buy. The most effective way to do this is by gaining their trust upstream, before they make a decision. Double Loop Marketing™ enables you to build an online community around the interests of your audience.
Works for NGOs and academic institutions too.
What They Say

"Christian Sarkar is a master at using online media to generate a strong return on marketing spend. He provides a rare combination of design for usability skills and clear understanding of the economic levers driving marketing performance. His unique approach to Double Loop Marketing™ builds upon the virtual community concepts I outlined in Net Gain. Christian brings proven experience in helping vendors cost-effectively find and convert prospects to customers... and then building in the feedback loops to rapidly improve performance over time."
John Hagel III, co-chairman, Deloitte Center for the Edge, formerly global leader of McKinsey & Co.'s Strategy and Electronic Commerce Practices

"Christian Sarkar constantly brings brilliance, creativity and a deep sense of integrity to everything we have done together. What more could you ask for?"
John Seely Brown, Chief of Confusion
formerly Chief Scientist of Xerox Corporation and the Director of Palo Alto Research Center (PARC)
"Christian Sarkar's unconventional techniques are based on sound marketing principles. Don't be fooled by the apparent simplicity of his techniques; few people know online business as well as this..."
Raj Srivastava, Provost, Singapore Management University; formerly Roberto C. Goizueta Chair in Electronic Commerce and Marketing, Goizueta Business School, Emory University
"Christian is a source of great ideas. His enthusiasm is second only to his knowledge about how to get attention in the marketspace. If you need results, hire him ASAP."
John Tammaro, former SVP, Masius, New York; former Sr. Strategy Manager, General Electric
"Christian's uniqueness lies in his ability to bring fresh perspectives to familiar issues, to quickly identify and analyze emerging issues, and to distill the results into clear, concise observations. I have seen Christian apply these attributes in the broadest range of subjects, from market trends in the chemical industry to employee communications..."
John Gersuk, Manager of Public Affairs, Bechtel Group
- The Global CMO with Greg Paull
The Elements of Value with Jamie Cleghorn
The Trust Crisis: What Do Leaders Do Now?
with Stephen M. R. Covey
Strategy Beyond the Hockey Stick with Chris Bradley, Martin Hirt and Sven Smit
- The Four Horsemen with Scott Galloway
- Marketing Conscious Brands with Beatrice Pitocco- The Non-Profit Marketing Challenge with Bob Freling
- Social Media Marketing: The Practitioner’s Guide
with Marc Opresnik
- The Driver in the Driverless Car with Vivek Wadhwa
- Digital Twins, IoT, and the Future of Business
with Sanjay Sarma
- W. A. Dwiggins: A Life in Design with Rob Saunders
- The War for the Soul of Capitalismwith Philip Kotler
- Building the Internet of Thingswith Maciej Kranz
- Branding as a Job to be Done with Clayton Christensen
- The Road Ahead: Marketing’s Biggest Challenges
with Bernie Jaworski (Part 2)
- The Road Ahead: Marketing’s Biggest Challenges
with Bernie Jaworski (Part I)
- The Analytical Marketer with Adele Sweetwood
- Competing Against Luck with Taddy Hall
- Play Bigger: The How and Why of Category Design
with Christopher Lochhead
- When Worlds Collide: Technology and Creativity
An Interview with Nicole Yershon
- Good Charts with Scott Berinato
- Marketing and The CMO Survey with Christine Moorman
- Monetizing Innovation with Madhavan Ramanujam
- Marketing and the Millennial Mindset with Samantha Klein
- Small Data, Big Impact with Martin Lindstrom
- The Platform Revolution with Geoffrey Parker and Marshall Van Alstyne
- The Rise of the Collaborative Economy with Jeremiah Owyang
- What Next? with Philip Kotler
- Scaling Trust: Marketing in a New Key with John Hagel III
- Customer Experience Design with Markus Giesler
- Fearless Unlimited: The Making of a Social Impact Agency with Alex Bogusky, Dagny Scott, and Leslie Freeman
- Beyond Big Data: From Analytics to Cognition
with Thomas Davenport
- Hold On [4 Haiti]
- Solar Electric Light Fund
Our founder's newsletter covers the ideas and innovations shaping our world - from digital spaces to rural faces. Sign up here. >>
(PRIVACY: We won't share your name with anyone, ever.)
Projects + Stuff
Co-authored Brand Activism: From Purpose to Action with Philip Kotler (IDEA BITE PRESS) >>
Published Philip Kotler's autobiography via IDEA BITE PRESS >>
Marketing services for Strategyn and Anthony Ulwick (book published by IDEA BITE PRESS)
Launched THE MARKETING JOURNAL with Philip Kotler
Strategic and tactical marketing services for UVM - Sustainable Entrepreneurship MBA - now ranked #1GREEN MBA by The Princeton Review
Launched for Philip Kotler
Launched for artist Clark V. Fox
Launched with Philip Kotler, Karl Hellman and Mark Blessington
Launched IDEA BITE PRESS featuring authors John Hagel III, John Seely Brown, and Duleesha Kulasooriya
Rebranding initiatives for Cain Carroll
Redesign projects for John Seely Brown and John Hagel III surpasses in the USA in terms of traffic and key metrics
Redesign of PTAI - an industry-leader in business benchmarking; monthly newsletter launched
Launched the Physician Leadership Institute along with a blog for founder Mo Kasti.
Why Making Money is Not Enough (MIT Sloan Managment Review) with Ratan Tata, Stu Hart, and Aarti Sharma, and our founder Christian Sarkar
Redesign of - the official website of the legendary reggae band. We serve as their brand and marketing consultant.
Open India: Considerations for Retailers
Christian Sarkar joins Vijay Govindarajan and Javed Matin to examine how companies should consider retail reform in India.
Read the HBR post here >>
Inclusivity: Will America Find Its Soul Again?
Christian Sarkar co-authors book with University of Michigan's Professor Michael Gordon.
Christian Sarkar named Director of Innovation for Enterprise for a Sustainable World
Launched - a leading AI blog
Redesign + business messaging for NeuralID - a groundbreaking AI company in Silicon Valley
Redesign of Stuart Hart's site + management of his Voice of the Planet blog and newsletter
Christian Sarkar presents the $300 House at the Guardian's Activate conference in London >>
Consulting services for Stephen Mitchell's Iliad
Launched to establish a thought-leadership site for Mezeo Software
Provided design, community-building, + editorial services for
Launched to rethink affordable housing. Co-authored The $300 House: A Hands-On Lab for Reverse Innovation? with Vijay Govindarajan; picked by HBR editors as one of The Most Intriguing HBR Blog Posts of 2010
Started an opt-in campaign for Dartmouth Professor Vijay Govindarajan's Quarterly Newsletter on Innovation & Execution.
Launched new version of and for John Hagel and JSB and the Deloitte Institute for the Edge.
Ghostwriting: several blog entries for Harvard Business Review for VG.
Online ecosystem assessment of McMann & Ransford's website prior to redesign. The focus: customer intimacy and b-model transformation. Redesign of company website and CEO blog.
Strategy + marketing services for Byron Katie International
Initiated and directed a collaborative project (to help Haiti earthquake relief efforts) between the Solar Electric Light Fund and the reggae super-band Steel Pulse. >>.
What We Do
The most effective way to get and keep attention is to be a thought-leader in your marketspace - defined by the online ecosystem you compete in.
We help individuals, companies, and institutions (universities and NGOs) compete - in their respective ecosystems. Our services include:
1. Ecosystem Strategy & Analysis: determine your competitive position in your business ecosystem
2. Ecosystem Orchestration: deciding who your customer is; where and how to compete in your target ecosystem; select the ecosystem(s) you will compete in.
3. Ecosystem Attention Platform: design the scope and boundaries of your attention platform. Develop appropriate products, services, experiences.
4. Ecosystem Conversion Strategy: how will you get your message out? What are the best mechanisms for conversion?
5. Ecosystem Value Capture: build a sustainable online business model to find and keep customers; develop ecosystem feedback loops to improve performance.
- Finally, Brand Activism! with Philip Kotler
- Risking the Brand: When Companies Value Profits Befor People with Philip Kotler
- Brandshaming: The Kids vs. The NRA with Philip Kotler
- The Social Purpose of Business: Brand Activism as a CEO Imperative with Philip Kotler
- The Future of Brand America: Lessons from the Super Bowl and Beyond with Philip Kotler
ON STRATEGY and more...
- Amazon’s Strategy Whiteboard: The Private Label Threat
- Amazon’s Strategy Whiteboard: Whole Foods Acquisition Disrupts Retail
- The Impact of Social Media on Customer Experience
The Power Dynamics of Thought Leadership: From Expert to Celebrity
- What’s Your Chatbot Strategy?
- Branding Muhammad Ali: What Could Go Wrong?
- How Tesla can Avoid Becoming the Next Saturn
- Amazon and the Future of Retail
Why Making Money is not Enough
Inclusivity: Will America Find Its Soul Again?
The $300 House article series in Harvard Business Review with Vijay Govindarajan.
See >>
ALSO: The Ecosystem of Poverty: Lessons Learned from the $300 House Project (Thinkers)
Double Loop Marketing™ was described in some detail in the book: Blog! How the newest media revolution is changing politics, business, and culture by David Kline and Dan Burstein. (Here's a review >>)